Managing Diabetes - A Touch Away, Supported By One Touch
Managing Diabetes - A Touch Away, Supported By One Touch
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5 Foods You Should Not Have If You Have Diabetes

5 Foods You Should Not Have If You Have Diabetes
Diabetics must avoid fruit juices


  1. World Health Day: Diabetics should avoid flavoured yogurt
  2. Full-fat milk must also be avoided
  3. People with diabetes should follow a balanced diet

Diabetes is a chronic condition which occurs when your blood glucose is too high. Carbohydrates, fats, processed foods, and even natural sugars can cause your blood sugar levels to rise. But, having diabetes doesn't mean a person has to stop eating the foods that they enjoy. Having a healthy, balanced diet can help people with diabetes manage their condition and reduce the risk of heart disease, kidney disease, and other health-related complications. Unchecked diabetes can have many serious consequences; people with diabetes can eat most foods, but they may need to eat some of them in smaller portions.

Putting off foods that increase your blood sugar levels and drive insulin resistance can help keep you healthy and reduce your risk of future diabetes complications.

Also read: Can Moringa Help Manage Diabetes? Know Its Effect On Your Blood Sugar Levels

Let's take a look at some foods people with diabetes should not include in their diet:

1. Fruit juices: Fruits are good for people who have diabetes but fruit juices are in equal measure bad for them. Fruit juices may make lose out on fibre and are loaded with fructose that elevates the blood sugar levels.

2. Refined flour: Foods such as white bread, white rice, pasta, bakery items and snacks that have been made from refined flour, should not be consumed by diabetes people. They can cause high blood sugar due to high glycemic index and reduced brain function that can lead to mental health issues in diabetics. To be precise, fibre is needed to slow down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream but refined flour contains very little fibre.

3. Favoured yogurt: We might think flavoured yogurts are a great source of probiotics, but they are not as healthy as you think. Most yogurts available today contain artificial flavouring and are loaded with sugar.


People with diabetes should avoid flavoured yogurt
Photo Credit: iStock

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4. Fried foods: Deep-fried foods like French Fries are high in carbohydrates. These foods trigger blood sugar levels, thereby affecting health in more ways than one.

5. Full-fat milk: Milk is a complete food because of its abundance in nutrients. Diabetic people, however, need to be a little cautious with their intake of milk. They should hold back from full-fat milk as it is high in saturated fat. Saturated fats could worsen insulin resistance. Pick low-fat or skimmed versions of milk instead.

Remember, completely waring off foods when you have diabetes can sometimes seem tough. Yet, understanding a few guidelines can make it easier. The goal includes escaping from unhealthy fats, liquid sugars, processed grains, and other foods that contain refined carbs.

Also read: Weight Loss: Carbs Or Protein- Here's What You Should Have As Part Of Post-Workout Nutrition

(Nmami Agarwal is nutritionist at Nmami Life)

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Managing Diabetes - A Touch Away

Managing Diabetes - A Touch Away

According to the 9th edition of the Diabetes Atlas by the International Diabetes Foundation, 1 in 6 people with Diabetes in the world are from India.

With an estimated 77 million people with Diabetes, India is number two in the world after China (116 million) in terms of the most number of diabetics in the world.

Given the epidemic proportions and the spread of the disease, it is important to know not just about prevention measures but also how a diabetic can effectively manage the disease.

The NDTV campaign, Managing Diabetes - A Touch Away, supported by One Touch aims to highlight the importance of regular and meaningful monitoring of blood glucose at home in addition to lifestyle changes and medication in managing Diabetes