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Know Your Food: Benefits Of Having Millets In Your Diet

Millets are often touted as a superfood by experts because of their high nutritional value.

Know Your Food: Benefits Of Having Millets In Your Diet

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) states that millets contain:

7-12 per cent protein

2-5 per cent fat

65-75 per cent carbohydrates

15-20 per cent dietary fibre

Know Your Food: Benefits Of Having Millets In Your Diet

FSSAI also adds that the essential amino acid present in millets is way better than many crops and it plays an important role in benefiting the overall health.

Know Your Food: Benefits Of Having Millets In Your Diet

FSSAI also states that consuming millets help fight cardiovascular diseases as millet consumption decreases triglycerides. It states that millets are also known for preventing Type 2 diabetes and reducing blood pressure.

Know Your Food: Benefits Of Having Millets In Your Diet

Reiterating the benefits of incorporating millets in your diet, the Indian Institute of Millet Research states that the fiber present in millets helps keep 'bad' cholesterol in the blood under check and helps protect the heart.

Know Your Food: Benefits Of Having Millets In Your Diet

Highlighting how millets can help combat malnutrition and other health-related problems in India, Dr. Hema Divakar, Technical Advisor, Ministry of Maternal Health and Family Welfare, Medical Director Divakars Speciality Hospital, Past President FOGSI said, 'India is presently having the triple burden of undernutrition, obesity and micronutrient deficiencies and also a tsunami of Diabetes. If Rice/wheat which is the staple food, is replaced with locally grown millets, like Ragi, Bajra, Jowar, we will be ensuring a rich supply of iron to tackle aneamia, calcium for bone strength.

Know Your Food: Benefits Of Having Millets In Your Diet

A significant proportion of proteins to combat protein malnutrition, and a good amount of fiber present will tackle obesity, and is a part of advice for weight loss programmes. Low glycemic index aids in preventing the tsunami of diabetes. Thus, tackling triple burden and more.'

About The Campaign

About The Campaign

NDTV in partnership with Luminous has launched an awareness campaign ‘Be A Bijli Donor’ to promote the idea of ‘save power for more power’. The idea is to conserve energy today in order to get more power tomorrow.


We inherently know that saving energy results in low energy bills, but we also need to understand that a unit of energy saved today makes it available for people still living in the dark or facing regular power cuts.


Saving power or conserving energy is about knowing the sources of energy, and areas of wastage and thereby eliminating these through technology and lifestyle changes. For instance, a 100 W (Watt) incandescent (ICL) bulb can be replaced with a 9 W LED bulb offering similar performance in terms of light output, but at far lower consumption of energy.


While a 100 W ICL bulb, used for four hours a day, consumes 146 units of energy per year, a 9 W LED bulb requires only 13.5 units per year. Clearly, switching to LED is a smart choice as it provides the same output while consuming 90 per cent less energy.


The focus of the campaign is to instill the idea of ‘save power for more power’ and in order to do so, the initiative will create awareness about energy efficient products and services, smart ways to reduce power consumption, alternate sources of energy like solar energy and the need to conserve energy. The idea is to address the rising need for energy conservation in India.


As part of the campaign, we will highlight the stories of individuals and organisations who are championing the cause of energy conservation by switching to renewable sources of energy, adopting innovations to reduce energy consumption while enjoying the same output. The initiative will provide a platform for all stakeholders to share their ideas and work towards the common goal of, ‘Save power for more power’.