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Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

After the team succeeded at their mission to electrify the Phugtal Monastery, they celebrated with all who reside there.

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

Tenzin, the little monk smiles shyly for the camera under the light of newly fit bulbs. The team of Lighting The Himalayas were able to power up the Phugtal Monastery which houses over 150 monks and has always been in darkness.

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

Doesn't the monastery look beautiful all lit up?

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

The women dance to folk songs they're singing to celebrate the success of the mission.

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

The gentleman plays an ancient Ladakhi instrument while folk dancers move to its rhythm.

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

Team members pose for the camera during the celebrations.

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

The elderly women crack jokes and share stories while sipping on black tea.

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

Everyone in the Phugtal Village are exhilarated with the provision of electricity. This is the circle of celebration that includes the team members who made it possible.

Celebrations Ensue After Lighting Up Phugtal Monastery

After planning for almost six months, NDTV and GHE pulled off the fastest installation of solar energy grids ever.



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Contact Number: +91-9765999500

Share At Door Step

Contact Number: 8884784742

The Cherian Foundation

No. 38 Malony Road, T. Nagar, Chennai – 600 017
Contact Number: 044-40404444

For You

Contact Number: +91 651 2481777

Forever Foundation

A-2, Vijay Path, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302004

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Incredible Himachal

Contact Number: 91-9816999599

Clothes Bank

Contact Number: 94233 11180

Prayas ISD

#4-1-21, Prayas Institute for Social Development, Champa Estate, Boggulakunta, Tilak Road, Abids, Hyderabad -1 Andhra Pradesh
Contact Number: 9866335488