Rajkummar Rao was honoured with the Best Actor Of The Year Award at NDTV's Indian of the Year Awards 2024. Rajkummar was on a roll this year with back-to-back interesting projects like Srikanth, Mr & Mrs Mahi, Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Waala Video and Stree 2. He received the award from the founder of Bollant Industries Srikanth Bolla, a visually-impaired industrialist. After receiving the award, Rajkummar revealed that he had great fun portraying Srikanth Bolla in the film and shared the importance of taking challenges to break the monotony. Rajkummar and Srikanth also engaged in a fun banter.
Srikanth Bolla jokingly told Rajkummar Rao, “Apne toh opportunity cheen liya nahi toh mai khud play karta thha. (You stole the opportunity otherwise I would have played the role myself).” To this, the actor laughed and said, “Nahi please kuch kaam hume bhi karne do sab kuch aap hi karoge toh hum kya karenge? (No please, let us do some work too. If you do everything then what should we do?)”. Srikanth replied that he would compete with Rajkummar in the film's sequel 2. “Kisko opportunity milegi, kiska look better hoga dekhenge. (We will see then who gets the opportunity and whose look would be better.)” Rajkummar agreed to the fun request.
Srikanth Bolla also highlighted how Rajkummar Rao did complete “justice” to playing the reel-life Srikanth in the film. He said, “He was in character all the time. He never used to say hi to people. People wouldn't understand why he is arrogant. Then after some time he used to realise inka aankh open nahi ho rahi thhi kuynki (his eyes were not opening because) he was wearing lenses.”
In another segment, Rajkummar Rao expressed his gratitude to cinema-goers for showering their love onStree 2. He also teased about Stree 3. In this context, the actor said, “For sure aayegi. Itna pyaar mila hai Stree 2 ko humari kya aukaat ki hum naa banaye aap sabke liye. (For sure Stree 3 will come. The amount of love that Stree 2 received we have to make the film for you all).”
Rajkummar Rao made his Bollywood debut with the 2010 anthology film Love Sex Aur Dhokha. Over the years, he has entertained the audience by exploring various genres.
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NDTV Movies News DeskSince 2003, when NDTV launched the first ever Indian of the Year, the event has become synonymous with recognizing those Indians – individuals, organizations and institutions – who have contributed to the idea and identity of India in one way or the other, whose contributions to the country have strengthened the foundation of our society.
The awards have recognized the unsung hero in the same breath as the most celebrated – our focus has always been on the extraordinary work. It is to honor extraordinary work that we gather once again to celebrate the Indian of the Year - 2024.