Rajkummar Rao, who proved his mettle with realistic characters on screen, received the Actor of the Year at the NDTV Indian Of The Year 2024 in New Delhi. Rajkummar received the award from Srikanth Bolla, a visually-impaired industrialist and the founder of Bollant Industries. For the unversed, Rajkummar also portrayed the real-life icon on screen in the film Srikanth. After receiving the award, Rajkumamr Rao said in his acceptance speech, "This is my second Indian Of The Year award. I received it in 2017. That was a phenomenal year and 2024 has been kind to me also. But this is a fabulous year for Indian cinema also. Cinema can change people's lives, it can inspire people. We have been telling beautiful stories through cinema."
Since 2003, when NDTV launched the first ever Indian of the Year, the event has become synonymous with recognizing those Indians – individuals, organizations and institutions – who have contributed to the idea and identity of India in one way or the other, whose contributions to the country have strengthened the foundation of our society.
The awards have recognized the unsung hero in the same breath as the most celebrated – our focus has always been on the extraordinary work. It is to honor extraordinary work that we gather once again to celebrate the Indian of the Year - 2024.