Justice For Every Child - A Pan India Campaign Against Child Marriage
Justice For Every Child - A Pan India Campaign Against Child Marriage

Highlights Of #Justice4EveryChild Telethon: An Initiative To Stop Child Sexual Abuse

#Justice4EveryChild campaign aims to raise funds to support child victims of sexual abuse and rape who are fighting their cases in court
May 08, 2022
17:49 (IST)
Child abuse starts in the family itself, says Rituparna Sengupta, Actor and Producer at the #Justice4EveryChild telethon

Cinema is the mirror of society and we are trying to delve into the aspect of these issues. The kind of cinema I'm into, we are trying out best to get into such issues; well as you know in our society there's a lot of censorship but cinema is maturing by the day and whenever I read a script I always try and support and be a part of a kind of cinema where we can give new fodder to such issues. I have some experience with this since my friend's daughter went through such trauma and abuse. It's very important to get a complete hold of the mental health of the family. I think these kinds of things need to be discussed more and we need to push these things more and make a statement of it. The legal system is not strong right now to punish such abusers who need such harsh treatment and trials and errors are going throughout and only the person who has suffered knows what it's like, but through cinema, we still need a rural push. Directors feel threatened whether their subject will be well received or not, because child abuse starts in the family itself.


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‘Nikal Pade Hai!’ Download the Justice For Every Child Campaign Anthem.

Written By: Kailash Satyarthi

Music Co-Composed and Arranged By Indian Ocean

Click below to play the song

Child Sexual Abuse: Facts And Figures

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