Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered the first keynote address at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss mountain-resort of Davos on Tuesday. He highlighted climate change, terrorism and protectionism as the three biggest challenges in front of the world today, pitching India as the 'predictable, transparent, stable and progressive" nation that was good news in uncer...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to travel to the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Palestine in the second week of February, days after hosting ten leaders of the ASEAN countries.
Invoking Rabindranath Tagore, Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded his address at the opening session of the World Economic Forum in Davos today. "The great Indian poet of the last century and Nobel laureate, Rabindranath Tagore, had imagined a heaven of freedom where the world is not broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls," PM Modi said towards the end o...