Spurred by the popularity of Mahatma Gandhi at the recent World Economic Forum, whichdisplayed statues of the Indian leader at various venues, the Davos City Council has approved setting up a permanent Gandhi monument there."Indian artists Ram Sutar and Anil Sutar are working with The Itinerant Museum of Art to create a Gandhi monument for Davos to...
A former member of the group that created WikiLeaks has launched a rival website with the aim of giving whistleblowers more control over the secrets they spill. Daniel Domscheit-Berg says the new platform called OpenLeaks will allow sources to choose specifically who they want to submit do...
A small blast shattered two windows but caused no injuries at a hotel near where top business and political leaders are attending the World Economic Forum, Swiss police said Thursday.The explosion happened in a storage room of the Posthotel Morosani shortly after 9 a.m. local time (0800 GMT) Thursday, regional police spokesman Thomas Hobi told the ...