Unlock Education - Help For India's International Students
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The High Cost Of Quarantine Is Infuriating: Indian Students Self-Isolating In The UK

Indian students Jetal Zala from University of Stirling and Jill Sheth from Heriot Watt University joined NDTV's special show #UnlockEducation where they talked about their current living situation while quarantining in the UK. The students told NDTV that they have taken both their shots of Covishield and yet have to self-isolate for 10 days.

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About The Campaign

#UnlockEducation is a campaign on the NDTV network to help Indian students cover some of the costs of the mandatory 10-day self-quarantine accommodation on arrival, in the UK, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this project is to ensure that the most needy students, particularly those on scholarships and on student loans are able to afford the compulsory Rs. 2 lakh expense towards the 10-day compulsory quarantine in a UK government managed facility for those students arriving from a Red List country, like India. Students travelling to other countries in Europe or elsewhere, who face similar self-paid quarantine because the acceptance of the Covishield vaccine has been delayed, are also eligible to apply for financial assistance through this scheme.


The scheme will continue to cover some of the costs of students in 10-day self-quarantine accommodation if India moves from the UK's Red List to the Amber list.


Ketto.org is the crowdfunding partner and Sanmat is the implementation partner for this initiative.