Children learn best through joy and play, Let them celebrate childhood, their way
बच्चों को हंसते-खेलते सीखने दो,
उन्हें बचपन मनाने दो

Together, let’s fly joy and learning to a new high

To take part in this social mission

Join our vibrant kite-flying event virtually, where the sky will come alive with colours and creativity. You can also download and share an image of your kite flying with all the others, on social media.

Bachpan Manao

is a social mission about making the most of the early childhood opportunity for learning and growth for India's youngest children. It is about recognizing that:
Learning in early childhood (0-8) happens best through joy and play.
Making the most of this opportunity means :
  • Allowing children (and yourself) to celebrate and enjoy their childhood fully
  • Giving children the best foundation for
    all-round development
  • Setting children up to learn, grow and succeed
  • Enabling children to thrive and drive equity, over time
There are 4 main areas to understand and act on within this mission
  • The 0-8 year urgency and opportunity

  • The importance and advantage of
    all-round development

  • The abundant learning opportunities around each child

  • The power of play in children’s learning and growth

Bachpan Manao is an invitation from EkStep Foundation and NDTV.
Show Your Love

Bringing the Celebration Alive

Sharing the Festive Feeling

  • Sunisha Ahuja
    "Play is essential for all children, everywhere. Play is more than just fun. It's a powerful tool for learning, exploration, and building a happy, healthy future. Praise them, stay enthusiastic, appreciate and encourage them."Sunisha AhujaEducation Specialist (Foundational Learning) UNICEF India
  • Rukmini Banerji
    "Play is the foundation of future learning. It builds curiosity, creativity, social skills and all-round development. With the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 endorsing a play-based approach to education for young children, the time is now right to implement this."Rukmini BanerjiCEO, Pratham Education Foundation
  • Venita Kaul
    “Play comes naturally to a child as it is an essential and inborn ingredient for the child's brain growth. Depriving a child of play opportunities is nothing short of depriving them the right to grow and develop.”Venita KaulProfessor Emerita-Education, Ambedkar University Delhi
  • Reva Jhingan Malik
    "Play is a primal, instinctive learning process for children. An unstructured exploration, it helps develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills holistically. And children know how to play. Attempting to teach ‘play’ is like instructing a fish to swim or a bird to fly!"Reva Jhingan Malik Co-Founder, Primalise

Collabactors At Work

The 100+ collabactors of Bachpan Manao are partners driven by purpose. They can:

(1) Generate insights and content to raise the level of conversation

(2) Implement on-ground initiatives for mindset and behaviour change

We call this Collabaction – collaborating for action and impact.