G20, an action-packed thriller starring Academy Award winner Viola Davis, debuts on Prime Video on April 10, 2025. The film follows U.S. President Danielle Sutton, who faces an unexpected crisis during the G20 summit. After a surprise attack, Sutton must protect her family, global leaders, and her country while navigating hostile conditions. The film features a star-s...
Manmohan Singh, the former Prime Minister whose lasting legacy would be seen by many as the economic liberalisation of 1991, will perhaps be remembered as much for his perseverance in bringing about the nuclear deal with the US.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in 31 bilateral meetings and informal interactions with world leaders during his five days of three-country tour, officials said on Friday.
How has India shaped the G-20? How has the G-20 presidency shaped India’s global future? Watch NDTV's mega conclave that brings the biggest names behind India's G-20 success on one stage. Join us for a day-long event on August 26, where we decode energy transition, clean growth, digital economy & India's big global moment.
Piyush Goyal
Amitabh Kant
Panelists:Amitabh KantBob SternsfelRajat Dhawan
Hardeep Singh Puri
Rajeev Chandrasekhar
Harsh Vardhan Shringla
Panelists:Meera ShankarAshok MalikC Rajamohan
Panelists:Alexander EllisAtul KeshapVera Songwe Borge Brende