Decoding G20 Conclave
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"Everywhere We Took G20, States, Municipalities Came Forward": Harsh Shringla

Harsh Shringla, the Chief Coordinator for India's G20 Presidency, spoke about how the smaller cities that hosted the G20 meetings have developed to expand its infra to organise these events. "Everywhere we have taken G20 to, states have come forward, municipalities have come forward, local organisations have come forward and said, "Let's present our best face". As a result, wherever we took the G20, we have found a lot of investments in urban transformation and urban infra. Cities are competing to be the cleanest cities, best city and so on and so forth. They can now host not just international events but also commercial events, Mr Shringla said.

About Decoding G20 Conclave

How has India shaped the G-20? How has the G-20 presidency shaped India’s global future? Watch NDTV's mega conclave that brings the biggest names behind India's G-20 success on one stage. Join us for a day-long event on August 26, where we decode energy transition, clean growth, digital economy & India's big global moment.