Decoding G20 Conclave
Decoding G20 Conclave
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  • "This Is India's Golden Moment": Ex US Envoy To India Atul Keshap

"This Is India's Golden Moment": Ex US Envoy To India Atul Keshap

Former US envoy to India Atul Keshap said India is currently in its golden moment and the country can do a lot to do a lot to appeal to the psychology of capital. He also shared three mantras for strengthening Indian economy - ease of doing business, level playing field and policy predictability.

About Decoding G20 Conclave

How has India shaped the G-20? How has the G-20 presidency shaped India’s global future? Watch NDTV's mega conclave that brings the biggest names behind India's G-20 success on one stage. Join us for a day-long event on August 26, where we decode energy transition, clean growth, digital economy & India's big global moment.