India Animal Fund - Freedom For All
India Animal Fund - Freedom For All

Highlights Of #FreedomForAll Telethon: An Initiative To Help Reduce Animal Exploitation And Suffering In India

We cage animals, we test on animals, we hunt animals, we kill animals. The scale and intensity of animal suffering is far greater than any other form of suffering and yet it is a suffering that goes unnoticed by most of us. Despite this animal harm and exploitation on a massive scale, financial support for animal welfare causes is less than 1 per cent of the amount that comes in for human causes.

It's now time to fight for the dignity of animal life. It's now time to treat all sentient beings with compassion. Join hands with the India Animal Fund Freedom For All campaign to help animals.

Here are the Highlights of #FreedomForAll Telethon:

Oct 30, 2022
20:42 (IST)
Animal agriculture is responsible for almost 50% of climate change: Actor Alicia Silverstone

I turned vegetarian when I was a small kid. But when I was 21, I turned vegan after seeing the horrifying footage of what happens to animals in slaughterhouses. I made the connection between the food on my plate and the animal that was slaughtered for my meal. For me, it was just one meal, but for the animal it was their life. I'm committed to a vegan lifestyle because animals don't deserve to be exploited and abused. Babies don't deserve to be cruelly separated from their mothers. As a mother myself, I can feel their pain. Animals deserve our kindness and compassion. So if you feel the need to make more humane and healthier choices, then start with what's on your plate. You can make a gradual change from a diet that contains animals to a diet that is plant-based and free of cruelty. Then watch as you feel better and your body becomes healthier.

Then there's the environment. Animal agriculture is responsible for almost 50% of climate change. Then there's your health. You can eliminate almost every medication that you're on with the support of your doctor. When you start eating this way, When you eat plants and eliminate animal food, it is gonna do nothing but make you feel healthier and better, and your most vibrant self. So I join India Animal Fund in all of their endeavors to help animals lives, including farm animals.
India Animal Fund - Freedom For All | Live Blog

*Disclaimer: NDTV is the broadcast partner for a Sponsored Campaign by India Animal Fund - Freedom For All. NDTV has no role to play in the funds collected by India Animal Fund. NDTV will not be liable for any claim(s) made by any person or entity, including any statutory or governmental authority, arising out of the collection or utilization of the funds.

About The Campaign

About The Campaign

We cage animals, we test on animals, we hunt animals, we kill animals.

The scale and intensity of animal suffering is far greater than any other form of suffering.

And yet it is a suffering that goes unnoticed by most of us.

Animals globally are in dire need of aid & support from the cruelty that they endure each day. The statistics are appalling & the resolve is barely skimming the surface.

Millions of animals suffer inhuman treatment as a result of illegal trade and poaching, reckless breeding, farm agriculture and lab experiments. The laws that protect animals are archaic, there is poor compliance, and existing facilities and infrastructure at animal shelters are below par, and too few in number.

Despite this animal harm & exploitation on a massive scale, financial support for animal welfare causes is less than 1% of the amount that comes in for human causes.

Animal welfare should concern us all. Human health issues, environmental degradation, global warming and challenges of animal well-being are all interconnected. There is an imminent need to be aware of  and to adopt an one health approach. For one to be healthy, the planet and all living beings on it need to be healthy.

The India Animal Fund Freedom For All campaign envisions a world free of animal harm and exploitation which prioritizes ending the suffering of all sentient beings independent of species.

The campaign aims to provide a platform for effective giving that produces transparent, independent, evidence-based and actionable recommendations of interventions/ organizations to demonstrably reduce animal suffering in India.

It’s now time to fight for the dignity of animal life. It’s now time to treat all sentient beings with compassion.

Join hands with the India Animal Fund Freedom For All campaign to help animals. They only have us for support.