Union Minister Arun Jaitley has said hotel rooms costing upto 7,500 will come under the 18 per cent slab on Goods and Services Tax. Rooms with higher charges will be taxed at 28 per cent. The GST on restaurants in these hotels will be 18 per cent -- at par with other air-conditioned restaurants. The official launch of the GST, the minister added, will take place on the midnight of June 30 and July 1 at a function in Delhi.
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The GST Network has sought an extension for filing GST sales returns after it flagged a technical glitch in its system to the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs.
The Supreme Court on Friday stayed showcause notices issued by GST authorities worth over Rs 1 lakh crore to online gaming companies and casinos over alleged tax evasion.
A pani puri vendor from Tamil Nadu has come under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) authorities' scanner after reportedly receiving online payments amounting to Rs 40 lakh during the 2023-24 financial year.
From changes in EPFO withdrawal procedures to UPI limit increase, here's what will be changing starting January 1, 2025.
Orry compared himself to caramelised popcorn calling himself 18 percent GST.
दूसरी आज़ादी लाई GST - पहले परांठा, अब आटा, हीरे पर कम, स्याही पर ज़्यादा...Ravish Kumar
Tuesday July 19, 2022मोहम्मद ज़ुबैर का केस कानून की प्रक्रिया को लेकर एक गंभीर बहस का मुद्दा बन गया है. महंगाई से लेकर मुकदमे का एक ही हाल है.अब तो चीफ जस्टिस भी कह रहे हैं कि जल्दबाज़ी में गिरफ्तारी होने लगी है.
Opinion: GST, Historical Tax Reform, At 5 Years, Has Lost Its WayAndy Mukherjee | Bloomberg
Thursday July 07, 2022Five years ago, India's federal and state governments struck a historic deal. From July 1, 2017, a uniform tax on goods and services - marketed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as "One Nation, One Tax, One Market" - replaced a bewildering array of loc
Opinion: In GST Row, Centre Throws Nationalism Argument At StatesPraveen Chakravarty
Monday August 31, 2020Rules by bureaucrats, legalese by lawyers and analysis by economists are cold, futile methods to resolve this crisis when the need of the distressed hour is a warm, empathetic hand of the political leadership.
Blogs: सरकार ने दी कॉरपोरेट टैक्स में राहत, क्या आम आदमी को होगा फायदा?Ravish Kumar
Saturday September 21, 2019अगले शुक्रवार का इंतज़ार कीजिए क्या पता आम लोगों का भी टैक्स से राहत मिल जाए, या क्या पता पुरानी पेंशन व्यवस्था ही बहाल हो जाए. वित्त मंत्री जिस तरह शुक्रवार को अपना नया बजट पेश कर रही हैं, राहतों का एलान कर रही हैं, उसमें कुछ भी उम्मीद की जा सकती है. आखिर कारपोरेट ने कब सोचा होगा कि सरकार उसे एक दिन 1 लाख 45 हज़ार का घाटा उठाकर करों में छूट देगी. इस फैसले को ऐतिहासिक और साहसिक बताया गया है.
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