Within 7 years, with 17,000 schools, spanning over 9000 Indian villages, the USHA Silai School has trained over 3.5 lakh rural women. In 2018, the garments made by the women from these schools, under the guidance of four designers were showcased at the Lakme Fashion Week. Since then their life has been transformed with the clothes now selling under the Silai Label at multi-brand outlet in Delhi.
Before starting her own sewing school in 2016, 35-year-old Sunita Devi Kumavat, worked as daily wage laborer with RIICO in Jaipur. Through her dedication, hard work and passion for stitching she earned the opportunity to produce a clothing line that was launched at the Lakme Fashion Week 2018. From making simple blouses to now venturing into making fancy palazzos, Sunita has come a long way and now teaches new things to her students.
Kushalta Ke Kadam, an initiative by USHA Silai School and NDTV has entered its eighth season. The aim is to empower more women across rural India by teaching them sewing skills and helping them open new doors of opportunities for themselves. The initiative encourages rural women to become financially independent and entrepreneurs by taking up sewing and training others in their respective communities.
Since 2011, the USHA Silai School initiative has trained more than 12 lakh rural women through over 33,000 Silai schools, spanning over 20,751 villages across India.
The women earn Rs. 4,000 – 5,000 per month on an average, with the highest recorded monthly earning being Rs. 84,000 in a month. This earning works as a catalyst towards building their self-confidence, reducing gender inequities, and raising their stature within their families and in society at large.
Usha Silai Schools transform lives by providing marginalized women with skills, confidence, and independence
After losing her husband, Jyoti Rani fought all odds, learned sewing, and built a new life for her family
From immobility to independence, Sakuben Ahir's journey showcases resilience. Through Usha Silai School, she empowered herself and uplifted her community
From stitching in villages to gracing India Style Fashion Week, USHA Silai School women showcase grit and creativity, turning challenges into triumphs as designers on prestigious global platforms
From earning ₹10 a day to walking the ramp at Lakm Fashion Week, Sunitas story is a powerful tale of determination, skill, and community empowerment through USHA Silai School
Sobiyamari overcame adversity, built a thriving business with USHA Silai School, and empowered women in her village