Nearly 20 lakh children live on the streets of India, without an identity, a name to call their own, a place to call home, sleeping on empty stomachs for days and nights. These twenty lakh are children, who have dreams, who have rights, who are our tomorrow. They are living in the shadows today.
During these unprecedented times, not everyone can afford the privilege of social distancing. And not everybody can stay home during the lockdown, simply because they don’t have a home.
Those living in poverty are extremely vulnerable, struck with a sudden lack of funds, food, mobility and a struggle for survival. And, as with all humanitarian crises, it is the children who have been affected the most.
It is always the children on the street who are subjected to some of the harshest realities of life.
Today they are battling a catastrophic crisis, and it’s time we step in to protect them.
As a part of our COVID-19 response, Save the Children is working across various regions and has already directly reached over 18,000 children and adults to cover their basic needs.
The organisation is ensuring their daily needs and their dignity and hygiene are also being cared for. Save the Children has identified 2.5 lakh children in cohorts, across 10 cities in India. Reaching out to these children with emergency relief is a top priority. But this cannot be done alone.
Save the Children and NDTV join hands to bring focus to the lives of children living in street situations.
As India fights the Coronavirus, we must not forget one of the most marginalised and excluded groups whose lives have been long ignored – street-connected children.
The 21-day campaign will generate public interest and raise funds to ensure these 20 Lakh+ children who live, earn, sleep and eat on our streets are cared for and protected. Amidst the crisis the world is facing, they are most vulnerable, exposed to infection and disease.
Save the Children is a global non-profit organisation which was founded in the year 1919. Today, it is India's leading independent child rights NGO.
Save the Children organisation has worked in 19 states of India.
Started in 2008 in India, and registered as 'Bal Raksha Bharat', the organisation has changed the lives of more than 10.1 million (1.1 crore) children till date. In the year 2019, the NGO reached 12.6 lakh children.
Save the Children believes that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future and that’s why the organisation is fiercely committed to ensuring that children not only survive, but thrive.
The NGO runs programmes in the remotest corners of India and urban areas to provide quality education and healthcare, protection from harm and abuse and life-saving aid during emergencies to children.
NDTV is the broadcast partner for a 2-hour telethon by Save the Children to raise donations to meet the basic needs of the children and families most affected by the lockdown imposed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The donations are received by Save the Children and shall be utilized according to a plan prepared and monitored by them.
NDTV has no role to play in the use of donations and will not be liable for any claim(s) made by any person or entity, including any statutory or governmental authority, arising out of the collection or utilization of these donations.