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Special Security Cameras Outside Maurya Hotel for Barack Obama Visit

Special Security Cameras Outside Maurya Hotel for Barack Obama Visit
US President Barack Obama will be staying at ITC Maurya during his three-day visit in New Delhi. (Associated Press)
New Delhi: Special cameras that can capture every tiny detail of the surroundings as well as the details of the human face have been installed in front of ITC Maurya hotel where US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle will be staying for three days beginning January 25.

The entire 500-metre stretch on Sardar Patel Marg along which Maurya is situated has been fully covered by over 20 such specialised cameras installed at around 20 feet distance on electric poles, trees and iron railings to ensure security during the VVIP visit.

In keeping with the heightened security, the Delhi Police team, including a sub-inspector, stationed outside the hotel is not allowing vehicles to stop even for a second outside the gate.

People are not allowed to loiter outside the hotel. Anybody found loitering is questioned by the officers and told to move on quickly.

A sand-bagged police picket has come up outside the hotel manned by three carbine-wielding policemen.

A Police Control Room (PCR) van is also stationed round-the-clock a few metres away from the gate.

The next-door Taj Palace has been asked to beef up its security. A Delhi Police team is also stationed at the hotel.

The branches of dense trees outside Maurya and Taj hotels and along Sardar Patel Marg have been pruned, and white halogen lamps have been installed on trees and lamp posts to enhance lighting in the area.

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