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Why Obama won't visit Amritsar

Washington: It's all about the optics. Last year, a photograph of US President Barack Obama bowing to Japan's emperor on a visit to Japan incensed critics.

Some went as far as accusing Obama of weak foreign policy by not standing tall when representing America overseas.

In 2006, pictures of Obama dressed as a Somali elder on a visit to Africa were plastered on conservative websites that claimed Obama, a Christian American, was some sort of undercover Muslim operative.

Now, two weeks before his visit to India where a trip to the Golden temple was being considered, some websites are voicing what many have only mused about that - a picture of Obama with his head covered, offering prayers at the Harminder Sahib - the sanctum sanctorum of the Golden Temple - could provide fodder for the right-wingers back home to further confuse unsuspecting Americans about Obama's religion.

That Sikhism is not Islam is a minor detail that seems to have gotten lost along the way.

It is usually Michelle Obama and First Ladies, whose outfits' are scrutinized but on foreign trips it seems Obama could give Jackie O a run for her money.

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