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Special Operation Group To Counter Terrorism In Punjab

The terror attack on Dinanagar police station in 2015, followed by an even more dreadful attack on the Pathankot Airbase in 2016, made the Punjab government think over its strategy in fighting terrorism in Punjab. Under the patronage of Ex-army officer and now the CM of Punjab Captain Amrinder Singh, an elite force called the special operation group or SOG was formed to contain, counter and neutralize non-traditional terror threats in Punjab. 

Raised in the Image of the National Security Guards (NSG) in 2017, the SOG is an elite commando force equipped with all the latest weaponry and technology. In fact, most trainers of the commandos are ex- Special Forces personnel of the Indian Army that have personally led operations in Kashmir and have first-hand knowledge of combat. 

The SOG is headed by a decorated Ex- NSG Para trooper ADG Rakesh Chandra and its Commander is Bhupender Singh, with experience in anti-terror operations during which he also sustained a bullet wound at the back of his neck. 

After finishing Basic training, over 1,200 Punjab police men were screened for the probation period, but only 157 made the cut. Over the next three months of rigorous training, the probationers were pushed beyond their known limits and turned into the ultimate killing machines.

Although out of the 1,291 joiners only 157 were selected to be a part of the elite SOG, this was as per plan, as the SOG operates in small teams and is still expanding its force. 

The training center for SOG is located near Patiala, where the 157 strong force trains in combat everyday. Regular runs, obstacle courses and other forms of PT are the norm.

The commandos also train in building intervention, hostage recovery and what they call a Kill house, all the while engaged in live ammunition. This process repeats itself everyday, preparing them for that one incident where all their training culminates into high impact reactive power. They train endlessly, to ensure that victory is theirs on the D-day. 

During NDTV's visit at the training center, the learning was that the average age of the men is between 22-24. They are the very best of the Punjab Police, each towering over 6 feet, making for not only a deadly force but also one that appears intimidating.  

All operations of the SOG are conducted in pairs called buddies. The team is equipped with grade A snipers, and a support weapon team with MMGs and rocket launchers. The SOG makes use of a range of weapons including Israeli, American & German, and are ideally armed with a Glock Pistol and an assault rifle like the AK, SIG SG and others during combat operations. 

Impressed by the approach of the CM, the ADG SOG Rakesh Chandra said,

The CM being a solider himself, understands the need of the time and the issue at hand. He is very much involved in the expansion of the force and is looking to provide 40% Salary incentive, along with free ration for Jawans among other new reforms for the SOG. We are Punjab's Reactive force and we are ready for action.

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