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On World No Tobacco Day Take The Pledge To Quit Smoking And Stay Safe From COVID-19

World No Tobacco Day celebrated on May 31 every year, provides a perfect opportunity to educate smokers about their high vulnerability to COVID-19 and inspire them to quit smoking. #QuitKarona is an initiative of Nicotex in that direction. The campaign aims to highlight how apart from all its other ill-effects, smoking can reduce a person's ability to fight COVID-19, which can prove to be fatal in the current pandemic.

On World No Tobacco Day Take The Pledge To Quit Smoking And Stay Safe From COVID-19

Health Benefits Of Giving Up Smoking

There are immediate and long-term health benefits of quitting for all smokers. Some of the beneficial health changes that take place are:
  • Within 20 minutes:

    Within 20 minutes:

    Within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your heart rate and blood pressure drop

  • Within 12 hours:

    Within 12 hours:

    And if you have not smoked for 12-hours, carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal

  • In 2-12 weeks:

    In 2-12 weeks:

    Circulation improves and your lung function increases

  • In 1-9 months:

    In 1-9 months:

    Coughing and shortness of breath decrease for a person who has quit smoking

  • Within 1 year:

    Within 1 year:

    Risk of coronary heart disease is about half that of a smoker's

  • In 5 years:

    In 5 years:

    Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5 to 15 years after quitting smoking

  • In 10 years time:

    In 10 years time:

    Risk of lung cancer falls to about half of that of a smoker and your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreas decreases