Roshan Dilli - A Campaign To Light Up Public Spaces In Delhi And Make The City Safer For Women

Unsafe In The City: Can Technology Help Delhi's Women?

Uber-NDTV Roshan Dilli campaign brings you our second documentary on women's safety in Delhi. While our last episode focused on the problems women face, now we take a look at the solutions.

To make Delhi safer, there needs to be a two-pronged approach. While we need to improve infrastructure and amenities for a safer city, there's also an urgent need to bring societal change. Patriarchal attitudes and a 'macho' culture needs to change so women can enjoy the city equally.

We can also use technological solutions to improve women's safety.

About The Campaign

NDTV in partnership with UBER is launching a sustained campaign 'Roshan Dilli'  to try and raise safety standards in India's capital, New Delhi.

Our focus is to try and improve lighting in public spaces in the city. Lighting is a key factor in shaping women's perceptions of safety

The initiative will provide a platform for all stakeholders to discuss our goal of improving safety standards, to start a conversation about safety of women in the country

It will also highlight various interventions and solutions that help to make women safe and put the spotlight on what more can be done.

The campaign will accentuate the need for Safety to be a shared responsibility

The need for gender sensitization and how law enforcement and civil society through checks and education can try and make women safer

We hope you will join us and help make New Delhi a safer city for women.