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Quotable quotes of the Obama visit

New Delhi: US President Barack Obama is on a four-day presidential visit to India. During the trip, Obama got over 50,000 jobs for Americans, wooed India Inc, interacted with India's Gen Next and addressed the Indian Parliament. We take a look at some of the quotable quotes from this visit:

  • I look forward to a reformed UN Security Council that includes India as a permanent member - Obama

  • We are not afraid of the K word in discussions with Pakistan - Manmohan Singh

  • Indians were not in the business of stealing jobs from the US - Manmohan Singh

  • For in Asia and around the world, India is not simply emerging; India has already emerged. And it is my firm belief that the relationship between the United States and India - bound by our shared interests and values - will be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century.  This is the partnership I have come here to build.  This is the vision that our nations can realise together - Obama

  • For me and Michelle, this visit has therefore held special meaning. Throughout my life, including my work as a young man on behalf of the urban poor, I have always found inspiration in the life of Gandhiji and in his simple and profound lesson to be the change we seek in the world.  And just as he summoned Indians to seek their destiny, he influenced champions of equality in my own country, including a young Martin Luther King - Obama

  • We believe that no matter where you live - whether a village in Punjab or the bylanes of Chandni Chowk...an old section of Kolkata or a new high-rise in Bangalore - every person deserves the same chance to live in security and dignity, to get an education, to find work, and to give their children a better future - Obama

  • I hate speaking after Michelle because she does such a good job of it. - Obama addressing students in Mumbai

  • You are future leaders, future educators, entrepreneurs and future electors. More than half of all Indians are under 30-years-old. Great statistic. Every single child holds promise of greatness - Obama addressing students in Mumbai

  • Even though my parents couldn't give us material things, they gave me and my brother strong values. They taught us to treat others with dignity and respect, to push for excellence in every single thing we did - Michelle Obama at a Mumbai school

  • I welcome the President as a personal friend and a charismatic leader who has made a deep imprint on world affairs through his inclusive vision of peace, security and welfare for all peoples and nations - Manmohan Singh

  • I very much commend Prime Minister Singh's sincere and relentless (efforts) to engage and desire for peace in the region - Obama

  • The United States has gone through the toughest two years economically, as we have gone through since the 1930s. Although now we have stabilised the economy, unemployment in the United States is very high... people are frustrated. Although we are making progress we are not making progress quickly enough - Obama

  • The very idea of India is in its all colours, all castes, all creeds - Obama

  • Throughout my life, I have found inspiration in Gandhi's life - Obama

  • Gandhi's beliefs helped me become President - Obama

  • Terrorist safe-havens within Pak borders are unacceptable - Obama

  • Our fight against al Qaeda is why we persevere in Afghanistan - Obama

  • Big business at odds with Obama - Indra Nooyi

  • Our information age is rooted in India's innovation - Obama

  • I believe that it is in the interest of India and Pakistan to reduce tensions between themselves and the US cannot impose solutions to these problems - Obama

  • You cannot talk and allow a terror machine to operate all at the same time - Manmohan Singh

  • There can be no safe haven for terror - Obama

  • When American people ask me why you are visiting India, I want to say that look India just created 50,000 jobs and so we should not be talking about protectionism - Obama

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