Michelle Obama, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun? Why the Sulk

Shobhaa De

(Shobhaa De is an established writer, columnist, opinion shaper and social commentator, who is considered an authority on popular culture.)

Let's find a scapegoat. It was the fog over Delhi that got her down. That, and the unseasonal winter rain. But, hello, does that justify Michelle Obama coming across as pretty much another grumpy American tourist, tagging along with a busy husband? She is the most-watched First Lady on the planet. And the question  everybody is asking is this: why did Michelle Obama undertake the long and rushed trip to India's capital, when she was neither really seen nor heard from?

The last time she was here, she had "rocked India" according to her husband, Barack (we are all on over-familiar, first name-terms with the most powerful man in the world, encouraged by the proximity and chumminess displayed toward POTUS by the second most important man in the world - Narendra Modi). Barack reminded journos that on his wife's virgin trip to our humble shores, Michelle had danced and smiled and done the whole 'American First Lady in the Third World' thing! We had been charmed and disarmed by the missus, and her eloquent husband. But, he quickly warned us, he can't dance... and he wouldn't be wearing a Modi Kurta (thank you, Sir, for sparing us).

What happened this time? Why was Michelle Obama so out of it? Did she feel sartorially upstaged by the Indian Prime Minister's fashion show? She needn't have. We are still cringing! Narendra Bhai is no Style Bhai, we concluded, after he made the biggest fashion faux pas known to mankind - he wore his ego on his sleeve, and his chest, and his back! That 'pin-striped' suit really and truly did the man in. And placed him in the company of two other megalomaniacs - Hosni Mubarak and Evander Holyfield. But Michelle was no belle -she had lowered her much-highlighted fashion antenna and apparently worn something thrown at her by uninspired stylists. Bibhu Mahapatra will definitely lose a few ardent fans after this disaster.

But supposedly, it could have been worse. And she wasn't having a bad hair day. So, what was her trip about?

First Ladies have an important role to play. While their husbands go off to sort out the problems of the universe, the gals are expected to show a bit of interest in social issues confronting the people of the host country. Most pick an NGO to visit. Meet underprivileged kids. And/or distressed, disenfranchised women. Make an obligatory chakkar of the Dilli Haat. And go home loaded with arty-crafty junk. Michelle did none of this. She rested in her suite and had her hair done. Ummmm - she travelled thousands of miles to India to get her hair done? Catch up on some sleep?

Here's what I think - and my conclusions are based on nothing more substantial than judging Michelle's unusual conduct from her public appearances. It's about reading her facial expressions and decoding her body language. I think she had had a scrap with her husband. A scrap serious enough for her to make it apparent to onlookers. Look at her cold and studied deportment during the entire duration of the Republic Day parade. She was seated at a safe distance from her husband - I find that a little odd - does protocol demand it? There was zero eye contact between the two, forget an exchange of smiles. President Obama concentrated on chewing Nicorette, while she stared stonily ahead. It's possible, she was a little relieved the Taj Mahal visit was cancelled, or else the First Couple would have been obliged to share the famous 'Love Bench' and fake it.

There have been a few discreet murmurs in the recent past about trouble in the Obama paradise. It must be really difficult for Michelle to manage her emotions, whether in public or otherwise, if there is any truth to the stories. While the world watches, calibrates and judges every blink and twitch, couples in this unique position are compelled to play act - hold hands when the cameras are on them, for example. The Obamas have consistently projected a picture of the ideal and idealized American family. Michelle has done her bit to promote and protect this cherished image.

Something happened in India that held back the popular First Lady from participating more fully in events during a historic visit that is equally important to both nations.

As the Obamas left New Delhi to attend the funeral of King Abdullah in Riyadh, Michelle was clad in uber trendy bell bottoms. She seemed to have got her groove back. Well, sartorially, at any rate. We'll forgive her for not being herself while she was our 'mehmaan'. Hota hai. But the next time - if there is one - Michelle darling, go ahead and give your husband hell in private, if you wish. But do smile for us in public. And one more thing, honey - ditch your stylist.

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