Powering the Engines of not just the State but the Nation, Telangana has fast emerged as the bastion of wealth generation and employment opportunities.
The state adopted innovative, inclusive green practices and initiated some laudable schemes that helped increase the forest cover from 24 per cent to 33 per cent. Here are the details of some green schemes adopted by the state
In todays world, there is an urgent need to feed the growing population and with the establishment of Telangana State Seeds Development Corporation, the state has set standards for native seed in ecological restoration and is supplying seeds to 9 states across the country, thereby contributing to a major chunk of national seed requirement every year
A look at some of the projects that were completed by Telangana during the pandemic
When Telangana government took charge seven years ago, one of their crucial promises included ensuring that each child has the benefit of quality education, from primary level to higher education