Highlights Of #VaccinateIndia Telethon: An Initiative To Encourage Vaccination Against COVID-19
New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) in partnership with Google has initiated the #VaccinateIndia campaign. The aim of the campaign is to empower people with the right information about vaccines, their safety and efficacy.
More data is being collected on Covaxin and Sputnik vaccines from the manufacturers and the due process is being followed for clearance and hopefully will be completed in six to eight weeks: Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist, WHO
The science is evolving and there is not a lot of data out there. There are some lab experiments where you take the virus and expose it to see inhibitions. Some variants need higher level of antibodies to neutralise. Clinical studies and effectiveness studies that come out are helpful. Analysis of that data is what will give us a better picture. What I would say is that it stimulates enough immunity to fight severe disease leading to hospitalization.
If we want to bring this infection down to extremely low levels then there maybe a state where we would want to vaccinate children. However, because there is a clear link between age and comorbidities and severity of the disease we need to focus on the vulnerable group first.