Highlights Of #VaccinateIndia Telethon: An Initiative To Encourage Vaccination Against COVID-19
New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) in partnership with Google has initiated the #VaccinateIndia campaign. The aim of the campaign is to empower people with the right information about vaccines, their safety and efficacy.
Dr Faheem Younus, Chief of Infectious Diseases, University of Maryland on the #VaccinateIndia telethon
If you look at the United States where we started vaccinating in June and December, we were having about 4,000, 3000 deaths in a day and over a hundred thousand deaths in a month. Now the number is down to 15,000 a month, around 500 a day. And other than mass vaccination, I don't think much has changed in the United States. You see the same data from Israel. You see the same data in the UK. So the point here is that at least the m-RNA vaccines, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca, the ones which have been used in these countries. We can say confidently that yes, these vaccines are game-changers.