Highlights Of #VaccinateIndia Telethon: An Initiative To Encourage Vaccination Against COVID-19
New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) in partnership with Google has initiated the #VaccinateIndia campaign. The aim of the campaign is to empower people with the right information about vaccines, their safety and efficacy.
T.S. Singh Deo, Minister of Health, Chhattisgarh on how the state has been vaccinating its people
The protocol from the Government of India asked us to identify and mark vaccination centres. How a vaccine goes from central storage to sub-godowns. We have 20,000 villages. The staff was trained, people for registation, administering vaccines were trained. In this process, over 7,000 people were trained for giving vaccine. We have given 3.26 lakh vaccines in a day. We can administer 3-3.5 lakh vaccines every day.