Highlights Of #VaccinateIndia Telethon: An Initiative To Encourage Vaccination Against COVID-19
New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) in partnership with Google has initiated the #VaccinateIndia campaign. The aim of the campaign is to empower people with the right information about vaccines, their safety and efficacy.
A person with liver disease must get the vaccine: Dr Arvinder Singh Soin, Chairman, Medanta Liver Transplant Institute, and Lead Investigator, Indian RCT on TCZ in COVID
It's pretty clear that COVID-19 actually affects patients with liver disease much more than patients who do not have it. There are the same receptors in the liver as there are in lungs. If a person is normal with normal liver function then they will not be affected. The liver test might go up a bit. Nothing much will happen to them. If they already have liver disease, it can become severe. If they have severe disease, there is a 15-20% chance of dying. Patients who are waiting for a transplant, it is safer to go for it. A person with liver disease must get the vaccine because they are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.