Highlights Of #VaccinateIndia Telethon: An Initiative To Encourage Vaccination Against COVID-19
New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) in partnership with Google has initiated the #VaccinateIndia campaign. The aim of the campaign is to empower people with the right information about vaccines, their safety and efficacy.
Diabetes and COVID-19 are related because in India diabetes is high: Dr Ambrish Mithal, Chairman and Head of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Max Healthcare- Pan-Max, Saket
COVID-19 affects diabetic patients more which is why those people need to be more careful. If you have diabetes and you get COVID then there is a high chance of you needing ICU. Remember, all diabetes are not same. If you are young and have short diabetes and no other issue then COVID won't affect you much. The more comorbidities you have, the more severe will be the outcome. We have to take similar precautions - masking and physical distancing. Along with this, control your diabetes. Stay in touch with your doctor. If your blood sugar will be in control then there are less chances of you getting severe COVID-19.