Three Years Of Narendra Modi Government

3 Years Of NaMo: Hits And Misses

Change was the catchphrase in the run up to 2014 polls. Narendra Modi had promised us that he will transform India, end corruption, bring in industry, generate jobs, end social strife and forge a new path with neighbours and word powers. With his emphatic victory in the polls people were buoyed with the hope of a transformation that would herald a new era and catapult India towards a path of development.

Three years have passed since Narendra Modi was anointed as the Prime Minister of the country. While the government has certainly succeeded in bringing down inflation, tackling corruption its failure to generate enough jobs has invited criticism from all quarters. While electorally, BJP had its best performance in Jammu and Kashmir, the sharp slide in the internal security condition of the state has put several question marks over its inability to come up with a new strategy to deal with the impending crisis.

While time and again, PM Modi has reiterated his mantra of 'Sabka Saath Sabka Vikaas', the highhandedness of Gau Rakshaks and other fringe groups have undermined the government's desire to take along all sections of the society.

The realm of foreign policy has been really tricky for this government. With a changing geo-political scenario the government has been grappling with new ways and strategies - especially when it comes to Pakistan and China. While India's relation with Bangladesh and Nepal has improved a series of flip flops with Pakistan and China's belligerence stance and disregard for India's security concerns have hemmed in the Modi government into a corner. China has blocked India's entry to NSG and vetoed UN sanctions against terrorist Masood Azhar. It seems that it will be a long winding road for India.

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