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Delhi Air Pollution: Saline Wash For Nasal Congestion Most Essential

Delhi Air Pollution: Saline Wash For Nasal Congestion Most Essential
A saline spray aids in the development of nasal immunity

Winter is a difficult time for those with respiratory issues because the air quality drops to levels that may have the potential to cause a health crisis. With the pandemic still in effect, it is critical to keep viral and bacterial infections, as well as allergens, at bay. 

It wouldn't be wrong to say that the pandemic has increased our awareness of hygiene, forcing us to reconsider many of our previous practises. Going out without hand sanitizer or a mask, for example, seems unthinkable now. Also, now is a great time to start using saline nasal spray for self-care.

Why saline washing is Important?

The nose serves as an effective filter for air contaminants such as smoke, dust, allergens, and so on. Air pathogens, allergens, bacteria, viruses, and others are prevented from entering the lungs and causing harm by the inner skin of the nose. Continuous exposure to the harmful components, on the other hand, irritate the nose and disrupt its basic practicality. As a result, the body becomes vulnerable to the cold and metabolism disorders.

Taking care of your nasal hygiene becomes even necessary during this context. A saline spray is one such practise that may aid in the development of nasal immunity.

As you are constantly exposed to various types of air pollutants in your daily life. The longer these pollutants remain in your nasal passage, the more likely you are to develop respiratory infections. As a result of clearing out foreign particles from the nasal cavity while moisturising it, saline nasal washing may reduce congestion and aid in better breathing.

Make saline washing a daily practice 

In addition to improving your daily hygiene, nasal washing may protect you from disease factors in the air. Nasal washing can help to improve nose function by removing crusts, cell debris, mucus, and other air pollutants.

Using a saline nasal spray can help you avoid nasal irritation and clear blocked nose. It can also be used to relieve nasal congestion during a cold.

Saline nasal sprays can help improve nose function by removing bacteria and other nasal irritants that have become lodged in the nose. It may be useful as an adjunct therapy for people suffering from sinusitis or rhinitis. As a result, saline nasal washing may provide year-round protection against a variety of airborne diseases.

Here are some simple instructions for nasal washing using a nasal spray:

  • Blow the nose gently if necessary. 
  • If the nasal spray has not been used for a long time, spray once into the air before use. 
  • Using the opposite side hand delicately, insert the nozzle in the nostril aiming to the pupil of the eye on the same side and spray briefly (2 to 3 seconds) and allow the excess solution to trickle down. 
  • Repeat the same for other nostril.
  • Allow the spray to act for a few seconds. Do not blow the nose during this time but wipe it if necessary. 

(Dr. Ranbeer Singh, MBBS, D.L.O and Sr. ENT Surgeon)

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