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  • Fact-Check Video: No Scientific Evidence That Homamade Concocotions Can Help 'Cleanse Lungs'

Fact-Check Video: No Scientific Evidence That Homamade Concocotions Can Help 'Cleanse Lungs'

Amid high air pollution levels in North India, multiple videos on Instagram have claimed that homemade concoctions can act as lung purifiers. One video claims that their concoction "can help beat the Delhi Pollution and changing weather side effects!" The video, which has 11,000 likes, explains how to make this blend at home and is referred to as "immunity shots." Pulmonologist Dr. Suhas H S, Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru, told Logically Facts that "the lungs have a natural self-cleaning mechanism, constantly working to clear out harmful particles and protect against infections. Rather than relying on quick fixes or unproven remedies, it's better to adopt healthy habits that protect lung health."

In response to Logically Facts' query about homemade concoctions suggested in the videos, Dr. Suhas said, "There are no scientific articles to support their usage." He added that while they may help boost immunity, it is advised to practice caution while consuming them because there are not enough articles/research regarding the same.

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