Icons Of Bharat
Icons Of Bharat

Meet The Jury

  • Anand Kumar

    Anand Kumar

    Anand Kumar is an Indian Mathematics educator best known for his Super 30 programme, which he started in Patna in 2002, and coaches underprivileged students for JEE - Advanced, the entrance examination for the Indian Institutes of Technology.

  • Rashmi Bansal

    Rashmi Bansal

    Rashmi Bansal is an Indian non-fiction writer and entrepreneur. As of 2019, she is the author of nine books on entrepreneurship. Her first book, Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, traced the progress of 25 MBA entrepreneurs and sold over 500,000 copies.

  • Praful Billore

    Praful Billore

    Prafull Billore, also known as MBA Chai Wala is mostly known by his YouTube Videos. But what many might not know about him is that he is a very tenacious businessman. And he has built himself a quite successful tea business. While doing his bachelor’s degree he was actually having trouble studying; so he thought of starting his own business. He wanted to go for further studies and get an MBA but he could not get a seat in any colleges. At the age of 20, he was devastated because of his CAT exam results. This failure only made his goal of owning his own business stronger.

  • Srikant Sastri

    Srikant Sastri

    Srikant Sastri is known as “Mentor on a Mission” because of the passion with which he mentors hundreds of entrepreneurs across India. When he became an entrepreneur in 1995, terms like ‘startup’, ‘venture capital’, or ‘mentoring’ were unheard of in India. Without such support, his business initially went through very difficult times, and at one point he was down to the last ten rupees in his wallet. Eventually, the gods smiled, and he built two large companies with 18,000 employees in six countries. Both businesses got acquired by European companies. He now spends a big portion of his time in mentoring because he doesn’t want today’s startups to make the same mistakes that he did. During the 2020 pandemic lockdown, Srikant led a taskforce that built a world-class ICU ventilator in 90 days. This unique experience has now been captured in a bestselling book, ‘The Ventilator Project’.


  • About Freedom App
    About Freedom App

    ffreedom is a revolutionary platform on a mission to inspire and enable people to achieve financial freedom. It combines the three interconnected elements of content, community and commerce in one platform to help our learners to learn, share their learnings and build trusted networks for growing their businesses and farming ventures.

  • Icons Of Bharat
    Icons Of Bharat

    Icons of Bharat is a platform to celebrate success of entrepreneurship from the heathland of India. It is a show that recognises the real heroes who are building a better Bharat through their handwork and determination. The real Icons of Bharat are farmers, housewives and other micro entrepreneurs who are inspiring millions to become self-sufficient and live with dignity.

  • About Indian Money
    About Indian Money

    Sudheer founded Indianmoney in 2008 with the vision of making India financial literate by providing financial advice to anyone looking for expert opinion. The spark of the idea came from a conversation he had with an auto driver who was not getting the right information about his insurance. He realised that timely and simplified personal finance knowledge can help millions.

*Disclaimer: NDTV is the broadcast partner for Indian Money to present grant money to participants to scale up their business. The contributions are received by  participants.


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