Daily wage labourer Sunita kumawat dared to dream big and Silai School gave wings to her dreams
After the demise of her parents, Ayesha was left alone as her siblings either got married or moved out of their village in search of work
Determined to provide a better future to her children, A. Metildamary from Viluppuram district of Tamil Nadu, joined USHA Silai school in December 2013
From being dependent on in-laws for fulfilling family's basic needs to earning Rs. 20,000 a month, E. Iruthayamary from Pondicherry did it all alone
39-year-old Raziabens disability made survival a struggle till she completed her training from Silai School and turned over a new leaf in her life
From the grassroot level to the big stage of the fashion world, USHA Silai School women have come a long way. Right from the moment they boarded the plane, a first for all of them, everything about this journey has been a life changing experience for all the women
Under the guidance of Amit Vijaya and Richard Pandav of the AMRICH fashion label, Silai School women from Jaipur and Ahmedabad not only learnt new sewing techniques but was also part of the ideation process that established the Silai label
Two designers, Sayantan Sarkar and Sreejith Jeevan, worked their way to understanding their teams skills, training them in areas they lacked and preparing the women to create something they had never done before
Breaking age-old shackles and moving forward towards a bright new future, USHA Silai School women were introduced to the larger business dynamics of the fashion industry in India
Rural women trained in Usha Silai School from different parts of the country, work in collaboration with prominent designers from the fashion world to design trend-setting clothing lines and step out into the world of business
Kushalta Ke Kadam, an initiative by USHA Silai School and NDTV has entered its eighth season. The aim is to empower more women across rural India by teaching them sewing skills and helping them open new doors of opportunities for themselves. The initiative encourages rural women to become financially independent and entrepreneurs by taking up sewing and training others in their respective communities.
Since 2011, the USHA Silai School initiative has trained more than 12 lakh rural women through over 33,000 Silai schools, spanning over 20,751 villages across India.
The women earn Rs. 4,000 – 5,000 per month on an average, with the highest recorded monthly earning being Rs. 84,000 in a month. This earning works as a catalyst towards building their self-confidence, reducing gender inequities, and raising their stature within their families and in society at large.
Rebari girls grow up learning traditional embroidery, which along with their new found sewing skills developed at Usha Silai Schools, is helping them earn a living.
Usha Silai School has empowered many rural women to support their family and send their children to school.
The Usha Silai School, established in a small nondescript village that goes by the name of Kottai, is helping empower people from varied communities.
The all-inclusive Usha Silai School Programme covers the entire nation from hamlets tucked between hills to villages cast by the sea.
Vegetables farmers from the Mizoram hills earn very little given the topography of the area. Usha Silai Schools have played an important part in this region by skilling women to financially contribute towards their households.
Usha Silai School learner Lucy has trained seven other women in her community, helping them to become financially independent.
Women like Kaviben from the nomadic Rebari community are finally laying down their roots as they begin to gain financial independence and thereby stability through Usha Silai School.
Usha Silai School, located in the Gujarat's Bhuj village, is enabling rural women to earn as much as Rs. 2,500-4,000 each month.
Usha Silai School, in association with a Gujarat based NGO called Kala Raksha, is trying to bring about a Silai revolution in Bhuj.
Besides training other women from their community, many Usha Silai School learners have become entrepreneurs in their own right.
With sewing becoming easily accessible and lucrative, the silai schools are also helping revive traditional motifs and designs.