The benchmark Sensex has gained more than 5,000 points since the announcement of the Lok Sabha election results on June 4 amid a rally in the broader market. On a monthly scale, the 30-share Sensex is up nearly 5% in June.
Both Uddhav Thackeray and Sharad Pawar have clearly emerged as the winners in the legacy battles for their respective parties.
The BJP has ruled out any change in its leadership in Maharashtra, where the party had its second worst setback after Uttar Pradesh in the Lok Sabha electiions.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today visited his constituency Varanasi after being elected to the Lok Sabha for a third consecutive time.
India ranks 145 out of 185 countries in terms of women's representation in the lower house of parliaments.
Union Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Monday resigned as the MLA from his traditional Budhni seat in Madhya Pradesh, days after getting elected to the Lok Sabha from Vidisha in the state.