Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made it clear on Wednesday that his wife Sunita is not likely to contest elections in the future, saying she has no interest in active politics even though she came out aggressively in public after his arrest.
A short-term rally either leading into elections or the week after results could potentially push the Nifty beyond 23,000, international research firm Bernstein said.
As many as 20 crorepatis are contesting in the six Lok Sabha constituencies in Odisha scheduled to go to the polls in the last phase of the elections on June 1, Odisha Election Watch and the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) said today.
The Election Commission of India (ECI) has taken a creative approach to boost voter turnout in the 6th phase of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.
The Election Commission directed the Congress to ensure that its key leaders don't indulge in "political propaganda involving activities of the defence forces" and "do not make statements which give false impression" that Constitution "may be sold"
The Election Commission, criticised over what many called its soft handling of the BJP and its leaders, today read the Riot Act to the ruling party as well as the Opposition for campaigning along the lines of caste, community, language, and religion.