Quit Karona - A World No Tobacco Day Campaign By Nicotex - Quit Smoking To Fight Coronavirus - COVID-19

Quit Karona - A World No Tobacco Day Campaign By Nicotex - Quit Smoking To Fight Coronavirus - COVID-19

Quit Karona - A World No Tobacco Day Campaign By Nicotex - Quit Smoking To Fight Coronavirus - COVID-19

Quit Karona - A World No Tobacco Day Campaign By Nicotex - Quit Smoking To Fight Coronavirus - COVID-19

Quit Karona - A World No Tobacco Day Campaign By Nicotex - Quit Smoking To Fight Coronavirus - COVID-19


On World No Tobacco Day Take The Pledge To Quit Smoking And Stay Safe From COVID-19


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Quit Karona - A World No Tobacco Day Campaign By Nicotex - Quit Smoking To Fight Coronavirus - COVID-19



Experts Corner: Impact Of Smoking On Fighting Coronavirus

  • Dr P. Raghu Ram, President, The Association of Surgeons of India

    Dr P. Raghu Ram, President, The Association of Surgeons of India

    Smoking is a vitally important public health issue that is gaining renewed attention in the COVID 19 era. There is ample evidence to suggest that those who smoke are at a significantly higher risk of developing serious life threatening complications with COVID-19, compared to non-smokers. Equally, smoking is a big risk factor for Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory disease. These diseases indeed place people at far greater risk for developing severe illness when affected with COVID-19. Also, those who smoke are more likely to be infected with COVID 19 as smoking involves fingers touching the lips, which is in itself a risk factor. Furthermore, there is also a possibility for contaminated cigarettes to transmit the virus from hands to the mouth.

  • Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

    Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

    Chronic respiratory illnesses are a risk factor for causing more severe COVID-19 infection. Smoking is also a risk factor as it causes an impairment in the defence mechanism of lungs.

  • Dr Ravindra Mehta, Chief Of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Apollo Hospitals, Bengaluru

    Dr Ravindra Mehta, Chief Of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Apollo Hospitals, Bengaluru

    It is a known fact that active smoking can harm the lungs of the person, not just that it impairs the ability of the person to fight even the smallest of the infections like viral. And as we now know that the novel coronavirus is affecting the lungs of people majorly and impacting their immunity, so the chances of a smoker winning the battle against COVID-19 is very grim as the person’s health is already very poor due to smoking. Another important thing is passive smoking, if a smoker is smoking inside the house and the smoke is being inhaled by people around that person, then even their health is severely impacted and so as their ability to fight the new virus.

  • Dr Prabhakar C Koregol, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Fortis, Bengaluru

    Dr Prabhakar C Koregol, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Fortis, Bengaluru

    Smokers are likely to be more vulnerable to COVID-19 and if a person already has a smoking-related disease like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) then chances of having coronavirus is very high.

Health Benefits Of Giving Up Smoking

  • Within 20 minutes:

    Within 20 minutes:

    Your heart rate and blood pressure drop

  • Within 12 hours:

    Within 12 hours:

    Carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal

  • In 2-12 weeks:

    In 2-12 weeks:

    Circulation improves and your lung function increases

  • In 1-9 months:

    In 1-9 months:

    Coughing and shortness of breath decrease for a person who has quit smoking

  • Within 1 year:

    Within 1 year:

    Risk of coronary heart disease is about half that of a smoker's

  • In 5 years:

    In 5 years:

    Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5 to 15 years after quitting smoking

  • In 10 years time:

    In 10 years time:

    Risk of lung cancer falls to about half, risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, pancreas decreases

About The Campaign

About The Campaign

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), smokers are likely to be more vulnerable to COVID-19 as the act of smoking means that fingers (and possibly contaminated cigarettes) are in contact with lips which increases the possibility of transmission of the virus from hand to mouth. Smokers may also already have lung disease or reduced lung capacity which would greatly increase the risk of serious illness. Conditions that increase oxygen needs or reduce the ability of the body to use it properly will put patients at higher risk of serious lung conditions such as pneumonia. (Reference Source: WHO)

A matter of grave concern is that there are more than 1.3 million deaths every year in India due to tobacco-related health issues, according to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) done by World Health Organization (WHO) mention year. Of them, 1 million deaths can be attributed to smoking and the rest to the use of smokeless tobacco products. Nearly 267 million, or 29 per cent Indians aged 15 and above, currently use tobacco in some form. (Source: Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-17)

Therefore, there has never been a better time to quit smoking. Nicotex, a brand committed towards helping people give up smoking, aims to educate smokers about their high vulnerable to COVID-19 and inspire them to quit smoking. World No Tobacco Day, celebrated on May 31 every year, provides a perfect opportunity to start your journey towards a smoke-free life.

#QuitKarona is an initiative in that direction. The campaign aims to highlight how apart from all its other ill-effects, smoking can reduce a person's ability to fight COVID-19, which can prove to be fatal in the current pandemic.


  • Neha Sharma
    I stopped smoking because I finally understood the disadvantages. I wanted to lower my chances of getting lung cancer, heart diseases and other conditions. But quitting smoking was very hard for me. So, I started Nicotex Therapy and I have Nicotex Mint Plus flavour, which I take 4-6 times a day and it has literally helped me. I now don’t have smoking cravings and I feel very good. Neha Sharma
  • Himanshu Bhardwaj
    My steps to quit smoking - I am exercising everyday for 30 minutes. I am meditating at home everyday for 30 minutes. I am eating more fruits and vegetables, I am spending time with my family and lastly, I have thrown away all my cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, out of my house.Himanshu Bhardwaj
  • Shubham Shukla
    This quarantine has helped me a lot in reducing my cigarettes uptake and I can’t even go out if I want to. I have tried so many times to stop smoking but I have failed because it is so easily available. But now I am in my house due to lockdown and with my family, seeing their faces everyday, encourages me to quit smoking for once and all. Shubham Shukla
  • Sunita Katyal
    Smoking cigarettes can cause distress on lungs and coronavirus as a disease also affects the lungs. So, I really want to keep my lungs healthy as then I can fight any infection and that’s the reason now I am staying away from smoking. Sunita Katyal
  • Vineet Sonkar
    I wanted to quit smoking but nothing helped me ever. My lung function had gone far below the normal range and of course the immunity was compromised. I was planning to quit smoking already and then a country-wide lockdown took place and guess what, I have not smoked a single cigarette ever since the lockdown was announced.Vineet Sonkar
  • Pooja Kanswal
    In my family, my father-in-law used to smoke a lot. As family members, we try convincing him so many times, but he always said no and added that he is addicted to it. Then one day, someone suggested us to make him try Nicotex therapy and we did. It had an amazing effect, he started smoking very less. And then the lockdown took place and as he cannot go out, he has ever since not smoked for a single time. Pooja Kanswal


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