Art Fertility: Let's Talk Infertility
Art Fertility: Let's Talk Infertility

About The Campaign

About The Campaign


According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, 30 million of the Indian couples are affected by infertility. Out of which only 3 million are actively seeking treatment.

This is what is the context of the campaign. We talk about the scale of this quiet, yet widespread, issue that couples in India are battling with i.e. infertility.

To know more, contact experts at ART Fertility Clinics. Call +91  8595051667 or visit


We The People: Let's Talk Infertility

Because of stigma and a lack of awareness of what causes infertility, thousands suffer silently and do not seek help. In a special episode of We The People, we continue an open conversation about a perceived stigma that we've been talking about on NDTV for the last few weeks - infertility. Today we hear from people about their experiences - dealing with infertility and how they sought treatment for it.




What Are Alternatives To IVF?
Does Insurance Cover The Cost Of IVF?
Are Fertility Medications Heavy In IVF?
Are There Any Natural Remedies Or Alternative Therapies For Infertility?
What Are The Emotional And Psychological Effects Of Infertility And IVF?
Art Fertility: Let's Talk Infertility - A Campaign By Art Fertility Clinics and NDTV