Healthy Mouth Happy Life
Healthy Mouth Happy Life

Expert Bytes

  • Dr Sanjay Kumar
    People suffer from the issue of bad breath because of improper brushing. I would recommend twice a day brushing and use of mouth wash after meals.Dr Sanjay Kumar Consultant Dental Surgeon
  • Dr Shalini Dua
    Cavities are developed due to dietary habits, eating a lot of sugary and sticky food, not cleansing after that and not taking care of your oral hygiene.Dr Shalini DuaDental Surgeon, Founder & MD Sanare Medical PVT. LTD
  • Dr Neera Kumar
    Brushing should be done twice daily - after breakfast and dinner for two minutes and it should be followed by mouth wash. Mouth wash should be used for 15-20 seconds and after spitting the mouth wash, one should avoid rinsing it with water by another 5 minutes.Dr Neera KumarConsultant Surgeon
  • Dr Subik Nagi
    Brush properly with the correct technique, brushing in a rush and incorrectly is as bad as not brushing. Brush twice a day and with the right technique. Clean your tongue after brushing, drink a lot of water and be mindful of what you eat. Dr Subik NagiDental Surgeon and Implantologist
  • Dr Vipin Sharma
    It is a scientific proven fact that oral cavity is the mirror to your oral health. Also, it aggravates the chances of heart diseases, it also aggregates the blood sugar levels which is the main cause of diabetes. It can even led to strokes.Dr Vipin SharmaConsultant Periodontist, Oral Implantologist, Aesthetic Specialist
  • Dr Archana Bhardawaj
    Mouthwash is a very essential tool for maintaining good oral hygiene. Dr Archana BhardawajConsultant Dental Surgeon
  • Dr Abhishek Bhardawaj
    Get a professional cleaning done once in six months. Visit your dentist, use mouth wash, brush your teeth, twice a day.Dr Abhishek BhardawajConsultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
  • Dr Neha Sachedeva
    The most common problems include bleeding gums, bad breath and having sensitive teeth. All these are common problems and can be solved if ones follow a simple routine - brushing twice a day, everyday for two minutes.Dr Neha SachedevaProsthodontist & Oral Implantologist
  • Dr Sandeep Preenja
    Mouth wash is not an alternative to toothbrushing. It is highly recommended to add it along with tooth brushing as it increases your stability of gums. Dr Sandeep PreenjaConsultant Dental Surgeon
  • Dr Palash R Sharma
    The issue of poor oral health is associated with our overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections and is directly associated with diabetes. Dr Palash R SharmaDental Surgeon, Director Fortino Dental
  • Dr Priyank Jayna
    Mouthwash is a good introduction to your oral care routine. It helps to remove any loose food debris, thereby decreasing the chances of cavity and other gum problems.Dr Priyank JaynaOrthodontist