Kerala Floods
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Rs 25,000 to 30,000 Crore Required To Rebuild Kerala: Thomas Isaac

At the NDTV-Tata Sky 6-Hour #IndiaForKerala telethon, Kerala's Finance Minister Thomas Isaac said that the state is suffering from large-scale economic damage. Damage to crops, loss of income for labourers and tourism industry coming to a standstill has hurt the state's economy. Over Rs 3,000 crore is required to rebuild people's livelihoods in the state, Mr Isaac said. Mr Isaac also said that over Rs 10,000 crore is needed to fix the state's roads and that Kerala was trying to put together resource mobilisation programme to address the huge economic loss incurred by the state. Donate now for Kerala flood relief.

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#IndiaForKerala Telethon

Money Raised So Far


Why Kerala Needs Your Support

Kerala has been hit by the worst floods in a 100 years. The Kerala Government estimates Rs 21,000 crore will be needed to rebuild the state. The funds are required to rebuild hundreds of flooded villages, thousands of damaged and destroyed homes and 10,000 kilometres of ravaged roads.
This Onam as Kerala struggles to rebuild after the most devastating floods in a century, NDTV has organised a special telethon to raise funds for Kerala. We have specific goals - to enable the rebuilding of villages in the worst-affected districts and provide immediate assistance in terms of rehabilitation and food kits to people in the worst affected areas . All donations will go directly to our partner NGO Plan India.
Our focus will be coverage that makes a difference, stories with a heart, standing by people and making their experience a shared one to effect change.   
NDTV chose to report on this massive crisis with unwavering focus and commitment; having done that, now we look, as NDTV always does, to go beyond the news and make a difference to people's lives. 


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