Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
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Best Moments From The #StopTheBeautyTest Telethon

An alarming 9 out of 10 single women in India feel that they are judged and rejected based on their looks during the marriage process, 68% also believe these rejections affect their self-esteem and confidence. The findings are based on an independent study done by Dove in 2020. The #StopTheBeautyTest telethon highlighted the need to celebrate beauty in all shapes, colours, and sizes and pledged to create a more accepting society where there is no one particular definition of beauty. To take the pledge to #StopTheBeautyTest, click here.

Highlights Of The Telethon 2.0


Take The Pledge

It's time society takes notice of how ugly the quest for beauty really is.

Dove believes if we look beyond tall, slim and skin colour, we will discover a whole new world of beautiful.

Take the pledge to #StopTheBeautyTest