Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
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Common To Have Complexities At Adolescence: Sandhya Awasthi

[Brand Amp] Sandhya Awasthi the principal of Delhi Public School in Greater Noida spoke about how complexities with body image are common in adolescence.  "I have felt that more consumption of digital media has had a huge impact. Besides, children have also become aware of how the types of people, doctors they can approach to ask questions about changing bodies and mental health. So, there is some hope that children will choose a right path," she said.

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Take The Pledge

It's time society takes notice of how ugly the quest for beauty really is.

Dove believes if we look beyond tall, slim and skin colour, we will discover a whole new world of beautiful.

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