Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
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My Parents Were Completely Supportive Of My Field: Sania Mirza

[Brand Amp] Sania Mirza, Former Doubles World No. 1 in Tennis lends her support to NDTV - Dove #StopTheBeautyTest Telethon and talks about the importance of making a girl realise that she is much more than her looks. She said "As a child from a regular Muslim family, I have also seen a different view. I could be straight away related to the campaign. Luckily my parents were completely supportive of whatever field I and my sister chose, irrespective of what society thought about it."


Highlights Of The Telethon 2.0


Take The Pledge

It's time society takes notice of how ugly the quest for beauty really is.

Dove believes if we look beyond tall, slim and skin colour, we will discover a whole new world of beautiful.

Take the pledge to #StopTheBeautyTest