Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
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"People Don't Talk About Their Deepest Fear When It Comes To Their Bodies"

Anushka Kelkar a Photographer, who has a social media initiative @browngirlgazin feels that people need to move beyond body image and become body neutral to expand their relationship with their bodies because people find body image a shameful topic and don't talk about it. Further Ms Kelar said that people will not be able to shift from body hatred to body love in one step so body neutrality is an important step to take.

Highlights Of The Telethon 2.0


Take The Pledge

It's time society takes notice of how ugly the quest for beauty really is.

Dove believes if we look beyond tall, slim and skin colour, we will discover a whole new world of beautiful.

Take the pledge to #StopTheBeautyTest