Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
Stop The Beauty Test, A Campaign By Dove & NDTV
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  • There Is A Need To Regulate Social Media Usage: Neelakshi Singh

There Is A Need To Regulate Social Media Usage: Neelakshi Singh

[Brand Amp] Neelakshi Singh, Plump to Pretty, a body positive content creator & model speaks about the importance of regulating our social media profiles. She said, “Even I struggle with social media. It is definitely becoming a race but it is important to keep yourself sane, knowing that we are living in a world where everything is online. It is important to regulate, who are we following, whom are we reaching out to, and much more"

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Take The Pledge

It's time society takes notice of how ugly the quest for beauty really is.

Dove believes if we look beyond tall, slim and skin colour, we will discover a whole new world of beautiful.

Take the pledge to #StopTheBeautyTest