India Coming Together Against COVID-19

#IndiaAgainstCOVID19 Telethon Highlights: India Comes Together To Fight Against Coronavirus Outbreak

India Coming Together Against COVID-19 campaign, an RB and NDTV initiative, aims to provide a platform to highlight the works of the unsung heroes, NGOs and community leaders at the frontline of the hygiene battle against COVID-19.
Apr 12, 2020
19:38 (IST)
Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand joins the Telethon from Germany where he has been away from his family due to lockdown:

- In Germany, people are in the culture of following the law. People automatically started stepping away from each other. I haven't seen any cops enforcing social distance. People are practising it themselves. They also have a decentralised health system here, death rate here is low because they acted very seriously. 

- In this case first thing is to accept mistakes will be made by government and health ministry because it is a completely new situation. The main thing is whether you agree with anything or not, follow the command and regulations specially with social distancing and hygiene. We are trying to break the chain of the virus.

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