India Coming Together Against COVID-19

#IndiaAgainstCOVID19 Telethon Highlights: India Comes Together To Fight Against Coronavirus Outbreak

India Coming Together Against COVID-19 campaign, an RB and NDTV initiative, aims to provide a platform to highlight the works of the unsung heroes, NGOs and community leaders at the frontline of the hygiene battle against COVID-19.
Apr 12, 2020
00:42 (IST)
India Coming Together Against COVID-19
The 2-hour special telethon this week aims to honour the people in the frontline of this battle against the pandemic - the doctors, nurses, other hospital staff and healthcare workers. Let's not forget the many others involved in the essential services, like the police, the sanitary workers, the delivery boys, the NGOs and individuals taking care of the poor and the homeless by providing food and the scientist community that is working hard to learn more about this new virus and its possible treatment. 

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