India Coming Together Against COVID-19

#IndiaAgainstCOVID19 Telethon Highlights: India Comes Together To Fight Against Coronavirus Outbreak

India Coming Together Against COVID-19 campaign, an RB and NDTV initiative, aims to provide a platform to highlight the works of the unsung heroes, NGOs and community leaders at the frontline of the hygiene battle against COVID-19.
Apr 05, 2020
19:22 (IST)
Laxman Narasimhan, CEO of RB on #IndiaAgainstCOVID19 Telethon:
- First thing is that it is a human challenge and not just India challenge. We have learnt in school that hygiene is the foundation of health. The UN did a study and found that only 17% of people wash hands. A study in UK say that a third of men and two third of women wash hands.

- Sanitisers are good but soap and water are good enough too. Behaviour change is the key.

-  Access to a quality product, information and availability of the product is important. In India we are providing 10 million units of bar soap, 3.5 million masks and we are putting money in behaviour change to fight this.

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